



DEPARTMENT OF MINING ENGINEERING - Lecturer/Senior Lecturer/Associate Professor/Full Professor (3 Posts) : Mining Engineering


  • BSc (Hons) Degree or equivalent in Mining Engineering, with at least an upper second (2.1) degree classification.
  • Master’s Degree in Mining Engineering or equivalent.
  • PhD qualification in Mining Engineering and teaching experience at a university will be an added advantage.
  • The candidate must be able to teach any three modules in the Department of Mining Engineering.
  • The applicant is expected to actively engage in research and innovation activities in their area of specialization, leading to tangible products and services.

Duties and Responsibilities of a Lecturer Post:

  • Contribute significantly to teaching, research, curriculum development, innovation, and industrialization activities.
  • Participate in community outreach activities.
  • Contribute to University income-generating projects.
  • Supervise students’ research projects.
  • Participate in the invigilation of examinations.
DEPARTMENT OF MINING ENGINEERING - Lecturer/Senior Lecturer/Associate Professor/Full Professor: Peace, Leadership and Conflict Resolution (1 Post)


  • Bachelor’s Honours Degree in Peace, Leadership and Conflict Resolution; Development Studies; Peace and Security Studies, or related fields, with at least an upper second (2.1) degree classification.
  • Master’s Degree in Peace, Leadership and Conflict Resolution; Development Studies; Peace and Security Studies, or related fields.
  • Possession of a PhD will be an added advantage.
  • The applicant must be able to teach Conflict, Transformation, and Leadership.
  • The applicant is expected to actively engage in research and innovation activities in their area of specialization, leading to tangible products and services.

Duties and Responsibilities of a Lecturer Post:

  • Contribute significantly to teaching, research, curriculum development, innovation, and industrialization activities.
  • Participate in community outreach activities.
  • Contribute to University income-generating projects.
  • Supervise students’ research projects.
  • Participate in the invigilation of examinations.
DEPARTMENT OF MINING ENGINEERING - Mining Engineering Technician (1 Post)


  • Bachelor of Science (Hons) Degree in Mining Engineering or equivalent, with at least an upper second class (2.1) degree classification.
  • A Mine Blasting License.
  • One (1) year industrial experience in the mining industry will be an added advantage.
  • The candidate must be able to assist in research, support fieldwork, and assist in conducting practicals.
DEPARTMENT OF METALLURGICAL ENGINEERING Lecturer/ Senior Lecturer/ Associate Professor/ Full Professor: Metallurgical Engineering (1 Post)


  • BSc (Hons) Degree in Metallurgical Engineering, with at least an upper second (2.1) degree classification.
  • Master’s Degree in Metallurgical Engineering.
  • A relevant PhD qualification and teaching experience at a university will be an added advantage.
  • The successful candidate will be expected to actively engage in research and innovation activities in their area of specialization, leading to tangible products and services.

Duties and Responsibilities of a Lecturer Post:

  • Contribute significantly to teaching, research, curriculum development, innovation, and industrialization activities.
  • Participate in community outreach activities.
  • Contribute to University income-generating projects.
  • Supervise students’ research projects.
  • Participate in the invigilation of examinations.

DEPARTMENT OF METALLURGICAL ENGINEERING - Teaching Assistant: Metallurgical Engineering (1 Post)


  • BSc (Hons) Degree in Metallurgical Engineering or equivalent, with at least an upper second (2.1) degree classification from a reputable institution.
  • The successful candidate must be able to assist in research and the delivery of lectures.
  • Successful applicants are expected to enroll for a relevant Master’s Degree within the first year of employment.

Duties and Responsibilities of a Lecturer Post:

  • Contribute significantly to teaching, research, curriculum development, innovation, and industrialization activities.
  • Participate in community outreach activities.
  • Contribute to University income-generating projects.
  • Supervise students’ research projects.
  • Participate in the invigilation of examinations.
DEPARTMENT OF GEOMATICS AND SURVEYING - Lecturer/ Senior Lecturer/ Associate Professor/ Full Professor: (2 Posts) Surveying or Geomatics and Surveying


  • BSc (Hons) Degree or equivalent in Surveying or Geomatics and Surveying, with at least an upper second (2.1) degree classification.
  • Master’s Degree in Surveying or Geomatics and Surveying.
  • PhD qualification in Surveying or Geomatics and Surveying, with teaching experience at a university being an added advantage.
  • The candidate should be able to teach any three of the following modules:
    • Engineering Survey
    • Land Law
    • Rural and Spatial Planning
    • Hydrographic Surveying
    • Surveying CAD
    • Environmental Design/Planning
    • Mine Survey
    • Cadastral Survey
    • Survey Computations
  • Active engagement in research and innovation activities in the candidate’s area of specialization, leading to tangible products and services.
DEPARTMENT OF GEOMATICS AND SURVEYING - Teaching Assistant: Geomatics and Surveying (1 Post)


  • BSc (Hons) Degree or equivalent in Geomatics and Surveying or a related field, with at least an upper second (2.1) degree classification from a reputable institution.
  • The candidate must be able to assist in research and the delivery of lectures.
  • Successful applicants are expected to enroll for a relevant Master’s Degree within the first year of employment.

Duties and Responsibilities:

  • Assist Lecturers in delivering tutorials.
  • Participate in community outreach activities.
  • Contribute to University income-generating projects.
  • Perform any other duties assigned.


DEPARTMENT OF APPLIED MATHEMATICS - Lecturer /Senior Lecturer/Associate Professor/Full Professor (1 Post)


  • BSc (Hons) Degree in Applied Mathematics/Pure Mathematics with at least an upper second (2.1) degree classification.
  • Master’s Degree in Applied Mathematics/Applied Mathematical Modelling.
  • PhD qualification in Pure and Applied Mathematics, with teaching experience at a university being an added advantage.
  • Ability to teach any three of the following modules:
    • Mathematical Modelling
    • Calculus of Several Variables
    • Ordinary Differential Equations
    • Mathematical Software
  • Active engagement in research and innovation activities in the candidate’s area of specialization, leading to tangible products and services.

Duties and Responsibilities:

  • Contribute significantly to teaching, research, curriculum development, innovation, and industrialization activities.
  • Participate in community outreach activities.
  • Contribute to University income-generating projects.
  • Supervise students’ research projects.
  • Participate in the invigilation of examinations.
DEPARTMENT OF APPLIED MATHEMATICS - Teaching Assistant: Applied Mathematics (1 Post)


  • BSc (Hons) Degree in Statistics and Operations Research/Statistics/Data Science with at least an upper second (2.1) degree classification from a reputable institution.
  • The successful candidate must be able to assist in research and the delivery of tutorials.
  • Successful applicants are expected to enroll for a relevant Master’s Degree within the first year of employment.

Duties and Responsibilities:

  • Assist Lecturers in delivering tutorials.
  • Participate in community outreach activities.
  • Contribute to University income-generating projects.
  • Perform any other duties as assigned.


Department of Animal Production and Health: Lecturer / Senior Lecturer / Associate Professor / Full Professor (1 Post)

Qualifications and Experience

A minimum of a Master’s degree in Animal Science with specialisation in Animal Breeding and Genetics, Animal Biotechnology, Reproductive Physiology, Animal Physiology, and a Bachelor of Science (Hons) in Animal Science or an equivalent qualification. A PhD in Animal Science, Animal Breeding and Genetics, Animal Biotechnology, and Animal Physiology will be an added advantage. The incumbent should be able to teach the following modules: Molecular Biology, Animal Biotechnology, Reproductive Physiology, and Breeding Technology, Pig and Poultry Production, as well as any other related animal science modules assigned by the department. The candidate should possess strong research skills that enhance and complement the department’s existing research work. At least one (1) year of teaching experience at the university level and evidence of scholarly contributions in at least two refereed journals in the relevant field are essential. The candidate must also demonstrate the ability to supervise undergraduate and postgraduate projects.

Duties and Responsibilities

  • Contribute significantly to the teaching, research, curriculum development, innovation and industrialisation activities.
  • Participate in community outreach activities.
  • Participate in agriculture animal production income-generating activities.
  • Supervise student projects.
  • Participate in the invigilation of examinations.


Conditions of Service
Medical Aid, Leave and Pension Benefits are offered. The information on salary and other
benefits will be made available to the short-listed candidates.

Duties and Responsibilities of a Lecturer Post

Contribute significantly to the teaching, research, curriculum development, innovation, and industrialization activities.
Participate in community outreach activities.
Participate in income generating activities.
Supervise student projects.

Soft copies in a single continuous PDF file of each of the following: application letter,
certified copies of educational and professional certificates, national identity card, birth
certificate and curriculum vitae giving full personal particulars including full name, place and
date of birth, qualifications and previous employment and experience, present salary, date of
availability, telephone number, email address, names and addresses of three referees
including email addresses should be sent to deputy.registrar@gsu.ac.zw or hand delivered to:

The Deputy Registrar
Human Resources Section
Gwanda State University
Epoch Mine Campus
P O Box 30
Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.

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