

Project/ Research Titles Sector Source of Funding Duration Research Significance to the Nation. E.g how it addresses the National Development Strategy


Bio-prospecting for biological organism to use as biopesticides Agriculture Research Board 12 months If the technology is successful, it leads to production of food with less toxic chemicals, increase in yields and acceptance of agro-products in export markets. This would raise the country into a middle income economy
2 Parasite diversity, prevalence, prevalence richness, load and abundance on  free ranging Chacma baboon (Papio ursimus griseipes) troops in a semi arid savanna ecosystem Health Research Board 2 years The study will provide health experts, veterinarians, policy makers and conservationist with scientific information about the endo-parasites’ and ectoparasite species richness, prevalence and diversity within the free ranging baboons. The study will propose strategies for effective conservation of the baboons at the same time taking note of parasites with can be of great harm to humans.
3 Dipteran pollinator awareness, importance and conservation training Agriculture None 1 year Declines in many pollinator groups are due to habitat loss, fragmentation and deterioration. Research has documented a decline of pollinators globally, and identifies a number of potential causes including environmental stressors such as pesticides, non-native invasive plants that displace native pollen-producing species, viruses and pathogens and habitat loss. Insiza district has not been spared from the adverse effects of mining on the environment. Mining activities are numerous and haphazard throughout the length and breadth of the district due to artisanal mining activities. The mining activities have greatly affected the flora and fauna more so causing great damage to rivers, streams and weirs thus this is a potential threat to pollinators. There is need to explore and ascertain the impacts of anthropogenic activities in Insiza ward 15 on dipteran pollinators composition. Not forgetting to start coming up with pollinator conservation strategies.
4 Characterisation and drought stress trials of experimental Sorghum bicolor lines Agriculture None 3-4 years The evaluation of experimental lines provides a readily available avenue for the incorporation of desirable traits to the commercial sorghum gene pool. This would aid in food security in the face of unpredictable weather patterns as a result of climate change.
5 Morphological characterisation and evaluation of yield components of L javanica under drought stress Agriculture None 3 years The study will provide preliminary guidelines into L. javanica production as well as expected yields under drought stress. This will foster further utilisation of this heritage based plant in commercial products development.
6 Determination of alternative remedies used for cattle wound management Agriculture Partly research board 2 years The study aims to broaden farmer’s knowledge on the available alternatives remedies used in the management of wounds. This would improve livestock productivity using Zimbabwean products (Heritage based Natural Resources). New products developed.
7 Sustainable commercial production of insect meals for animal and aquafeeds Economic (Agriculture) Gwanda State University (Research Board) 4 years The project will strengthen farmer knowledge, skills in livestock production and health so as to enhance productivity through:

-Promoting on-farm feeds formulation alternative, cheap feed ingredients to produce animal and fish feeds

-Creating livestock feed business centres (NDS1 subsection 297)

8 Multi physics numerical simulation  Desulphurisation of coal fuel


This project is developing methodologies that enable the use of high sulphur coal as a source of fuel


Wet ball mills

Mineral processing 5 years The study will provide process engineers with in depth knowledge of ball mill process. This will assist in optimisation and better operations of ball mills
9 Design of a Pilot Refractory Gold Heap Leaching Plant using Sodium Hypochloride Mineral processing Gwanda State University (Research Board) 2 years Developing a low cost extraction technique for the beneficiation of low grade gold ores which are in abundance in the Matabeleland South region
10 Desulphurisation of coal Fuel 2 years This project is developing methodologies that will enable the use of high sulphur coal as a source of fuel

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