
GWANDA State University (GSU) is set to start developing 87 hectares of land in Gwanda Town which the institution was allocated by the Government.

Currently, the university is operating from Epoch Mine in Filabusi at the same time as it is  working on opening a campus in Gwanda Town.

The campus was supposed to be opened in August but was derailed by the closure of universities and impact of Covid-19.

Infrastructural developments at the 87 hectares piece of land in Gwanda Town will be done in phases. The first phase of the construction programme will focus on a multi-purpose building which will house offices for administration. and lecture rooms as well as the Innovation Hub and the Industrial Park to drive the Education 5.0 mantra.

Phase 1 has since started with the marking of the boundary around the University site.

This will be followed by the clearing of the land to pave way for the construction of the envisaged multi-purpose building which will house offices for administration and lecture rooms as well as the Innovation Hub and the Industrial Park.

The university is keen to operationalise the Gwanda Campus in order to expand its academic offerings. In the meantime, the University has secured office and teaching facilities in Gwanda Town on a lease basis to register its presence in the town. The identified premises will be refurbished to meet university standards.

As part of the institution’s marketing strategy a billboard has been installed at the Gwanda campus for identification purposes. It is envisaged that the billboard will improve the university brand.


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