
Gwanda State University has made significant strides in the prevention and containment of Covid-19 infections.

The University amongst other measures is implementing a robust wellness clinic and tests on a daily basis student and staff temperatures and other symptoms. Sanitisation, wearing of face masks and practicing social and physical distancing are strictly enforced.

The University received adequate vaccines for all staff and the majority have already received first and second doses. Unfortunately, three cases were recently recorded in the campus. Relevant authorities such as our parent Ministry of Higher and Tertiary Education, Innovation, Science and Technology Development and the Ministry of Health and Child Care (Filabusi District Hospital) were informed.

The University received assistance in the form of testing kits that has enabled the University to conduct mass testing of staff members and students. No new infections have since been recorded and we are pleased that the measures that were put in place including disinfection of hostels, lecture rooms, offices and other facilities are bearing fruit. The University desires to have all students vaccinated and has since requested for vaccines from the Ministry of Health and Child Care.



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