

One of the many reasons our students love living at Gwanda State University is because they feel so at home here. From our well-equipped and contemporary University accommodation and supportive Janitors who are on hand to help you settle in, to a wealth of learning and social facilities right on your doorstep – we hope you will feel right at home with us too.

We know that choosing where to live while studying is a big decision and it’s important to take the time to find out what’s available and what would best suit your needs. The design is a simple block comprising of two or more units with two bedrooms, one common room and ablution facility. Male and female students reside in separate hostels. The advantage of staying on campus at Gwanda State University is the access to the Internet 24 hours everywhere on campus. This include in classes, dormitory, library, computer library, everywhere. The University also provides twenty four hours a day security services in and around campus, so students are assured of a secure environment

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